


The RDC Enterprises was founded in 1984 in Sweden as a company aimed to produce rotary die cutting tools for hygienic and label industry. Today tape converters have increased to a major group of customer, especially due to the expansion in mobile phones,the production range currently includes magnetic cylinders and die cutting plates, print plates and impression cylinders, gears, slitting-and perforation tools etc.RDC also produces printing machines converting machines in Sweden. Now RDC in Sweden has more than forty years’ production experience in rotary die cutting industry. The company has advanced technique experience both on producing tools and equipments in rotary die cutting industry. The equipments used in printing industry produced by the company and in heat treatment during production are in the leading position in the whole world. Until now the co-operators of RDC in Sweden no matter in rotary die cutting industry, mobile phone electric industry or printing industry are the top makers in the world.
RDC于2008年8月在廊坊注册成立了廊坊瑞德斯模切技术有限公司,该公司坐落在廊坊经济技术开发区创业路602号,主要为手机制造行业设计、制造旋转模切刀具,销售本公司自产产品,并提供相关的售后服务。公司拥有****的生产设备、奋发向上的企业团队、完善的管理体制以及毋庸质疑的产品质量。并且在2009年7月,廊坊瑞德斯模切技术有限公司获得了上海恩可埃认证有限公司(Shanghai NQA Certification Co., Ltd., 简称恩可埃(SNQA))ISO9001:2008认证证书,通过了ISO9001:2008国际质量管理体系认证。该证书的获得将进**步提高公司的核心竞争力,为企业做大做强打下坚实的基础。
In August 2008,Langfang RDC-Tech Co.,Ltd. was registered in Langfang Economic and Technological Development Zone Chuangye Road 602, mainly for mobile phone manufacturing industry, manufacture world-class rotary die cutting tools, and provide related after-sales service. The company has world-class production equipment. In July 2009, the company has got the certificate of ISO9001:2008 issued by Shanghai NQA Certification Co., Ltd. and passed ISO9001:2008 international quality management system certification. So it will improve the key competition power and it will be the solid foundation for the company becoming bigger and stronger!
